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Clark, Billy, Giovanelli, Marcello, and Macrae, Andrea. (in press) ‘Integrating English’, in R. Eaglestone and G. Marshall (eds) English: Shared Futures. Martlesham: Boydell and Brewer.

In this chapter we discuss our work on the Integrating English project and outline our vision for the subject.

Giovanelli, Marcello, Clark, Billy, and Macrae, Andrea. (in press) 'Responding to reform: How aware are HE  English providers of A level reforms and how have they responded to them?’, English in Education.

This is one of two papers from our BA/Leverhulme funded project. This paper discusses a survey we carried out with academics responsible for leading undergraduate programmes in English. Specifically it examines their awareness of the 2015 reforms in A level English and the extent to which they adapted or were planning to adapt their programme content in light of reform.

Macrae, Andrea, Clark, Billy, and Giovanelli, Marcello. (2018) ‘English after the post-2015 A level Reforms: HE Prerequisites and Perspectives’, Changing English (online version).

This is the second paper from our BA/Leverhulme funded project. This paper discusses and examines providers’ views on how well each of the A levels in English prepares students for degree programmes, and which of the three A levels are highlighted in the entry requirements for programmes at their universities.

Clark, Billy, Giovanelli, Marcello, and Macrae, Andrea. (2017) ‘Integrating English’, Teaching English: Magazine of the National Association for the Teaching of English 13: 53-54.

This article provides information on the Integrating English project, outlining our vision and some of the activities that we have been involved in organising.

Cushing, Ian, Giovanelli, Marcello, and Snapper, Gary. (2015) ’The New A Levels 2015: A Guide to the Specs'’, Teaching English: Magazine of the National Association for the Teaching of English 7: 24-34.


This article provides a detailed summary of the new A level specifications that each of the awarding bodies offered in English Language, English Language and Literature, and English Literature following the last round of A level reform (taught in schools and colleges from September 2015).



Clark, Billy, Giovanelli, Marcello, and Macrae, Andrea. (2015) ‘Lang-Lit from A to BA: Student backgrounds and first year content’, HEA-commissioned report.


This report investigates the relationship between English ‘lang-lit’ provision at A level and undergraduate level, exploring the nature of lang-lit work in both contexts and some issues of transition between the two. It presents a detailed analysis of the content and delivery methods of lang-lit work at A level and first year BA level, identifying popular teaching and learning resources, tasks, and assessment methods. Written before the accreditation of the new A level specifications, it argues for more consistency in content between A level and undergraduate programmes in integrated lang-lit work and greater dialogue across the post-16 and higher education sectors.



Clark, Billy, Giovanelli, Marcello, and Macrae, Andrea. (2014) ‘English: Diverse but unified. Putting texts at the heart of the discipline’, Teaching English: Magazine of the National Association for the Teaching of English 6: 17-20


This article was written partly in response to articles which focused on issues raised by the diversity of views on the nature of English. It outlines a positive vision of English as a unified subject and emphasises the value of integrating English at school and university.



Macrae, Andrea, and Clark, Billy. (2014) ‘Lang-Lit from A to BA: Integrating Language and Literature study at school and university’, HEA-commissioned report.


This report is based on a workshop held at Middlesex University on 7 July 2012, which focused on Lang-Lit provision at school in English, Wales and Northern Ireland, and at university across the UK. It presents anecdotal and more formal data gathered in preparing for the event, and some aspects of discussions that arose following the workshop.


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